

"There is unique power in your testimony. When God has answered a prayer, met your personal need, or performed a healing or a miracle, then we should boldly testify of what the Lord has done."

It's pretty late, I just got through writing a 7 page paper for my School Personnel class, so I'm on a roll. I've been really fascinated as of late with the importance of staying in God's purpose for my life, and understanding more and more what peace it brings. Currently, I have several projects going on at one time, and I don't consider them a burden by any means; it's actually exciting (living in my purpose), because God has freed me of so many negative thoughts, stressors, etc.

It's amazing the difference between my days and nights now, and just a month or so ago. Everyday, I thank God for renewing my mind, restoring my peace, and allowing me to go through a series of hardships and tests, as I truly see what people mean when they sing fervently, "Your grace and mercy, brought me through".

I just completed 'Purging your house, Pruning your family tree" by Perry Stone, a famed 4th generation evangelic minister. This book teaches on how a curse could've been placed on your family tree many years before you were conceived, and what can be done to break it, as well as purging your house of negativity and seeking balance through the word of God.

The freedom I feel is indescribable; I literally feel like I'm floating as a result of being delivered out of the mouth of the lion (a term I use loosely), and once again seeing how merciful God is. I'm now reading another one of Perry Stone's books entitled, "Secrets from beyond the Grave", in which he looks at the afterlife, answering important questions such as 'Where do the soul and spirit go after death?' 'What about purgatory, aborted infants, cremation, and suicide?' etc. Stone's ability to consistently tie real life to the word of God is what keeps me fascinated. I won't even spoil you, but I will say, both of these books MUST be read by anyone seeking full understanding of God's word as it relates to this life, being closer to God and understanding what science cannot.

As a motivational measure, I'll give you some excerpts from each book:

Purging your House, Pruning your Family Tree:

~The enemy exerts pressure in your mind to suppress your knowledge of God. One form of knowledge is that which is stored in the memory bank of your mind. The Lord uses your memories in a positive manner to remind you of His goodness and ability.

~Bad memories must be buried in the grave of the past and never be resurrected. However, good memories can be recalled to remind us of when God came through for us-when He answered a prayer, performed a miracle, or blessed us in an unexpected manner.

~Weak believers are often unprepared for the strongholds in the promised land and unaware of the fact that battles often precede blessings.

~Hanging with the wrong crowd will stunt your spiritual discernment and affect your walk with God!

Secrets from Beyond the Grave:

~There are three worlds, one seen and two unseen. Yet the unseen realm is as tangible as the seen.

~"Things in earth" are living human beings. "Things in heaven" include God, Christ, and the angels. "Things under the earth" include chambers where fallen angels are bound in chains of darkness while waiting for the day of their judgment (2 Pet. 2:4)

~It is clear that hell was never created for man but originally was intended only for Satan and his rebellious angels.

~The Bible was not written by Harvard or Yale professors but by forty different authors whose backgrounds were as shepherds, farmers, fisherman, a tax collector, a doctor, and a well-educated Pharisee(Paul). They wrote very simply and literally. Angels are literal, demons are literal, and heaven and hell are literal. The streets of gold are not a picture of the foundations of divine authority, but they are literal streets with literal transparent gold!

This blog post isn't necessarily about me forcing you to go purchase these books, though I'm certain they'll change your life as well as how you view the world around us, and it's ultimate meaning. The way Stone breaks down the Dead Sea or the Ten Vile Vortices (Google please) will make the hair on your arms stand up.

Believe in God, believe his promises, believe in his return, believe in his hand over your life; DO NOT assume that things happen just because. BELIEVE and DECREE in the goodness of our God. Believe you are restored, and YOU WILL BE!

He's coming, just like he said he would...SAVE THE DATE!!!


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